
John has been with Coach Lou for a couple months and his son, Jerry, is thirteen. Jerry loves the program. He does the workouts that you (Coach Lou) prescribe to him everyday. I’ve noticed a tremendous difference in the size of his shoulders, his strength in his arms and core since he’s been doing your exercises. I just think it’s a phenomenal program. Before coming to the National Pitching Program, Jerry fractured his growth plate in his pitching arm from bad mechanics. He was around 10 years old then. I think it was more bad mechanics, that’s the way the doctor described it to us. And that’s one thing I love about your program is that it teaches about the arm care, teaching the kids how to properly throw, to build up their arms to prevent such injuries in the future. Since he’s been working with your program, he’s never had a sore arm again, since he’s been working it. I noticed that he’s pitching a lot harder than he used to. And I noticed that it helped him in shortstop too, throwing the ball to first base. So I’ve noticed he’s always throwing hard but it’s to the point now that I need a catchers mitt to play catch with him because he’s throwing so hard. I just think it’s a great program. I know Jerry’s very enthusiastic about it and he’s really enjoys working with you. He feels that you’re teaching him a lot and he has a lot more to learn. So we plan on sticking with you throughout high school

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