When it comes to pitching lessons, you get out what you put in. But putting in your all can be hard sometimes. That’s why we have some tips to help you learn how to really take advantage of lessons and instruction.
Tips for Getting the Most Out of Pitching Lessons
Getting the most out of coaching and lessons is a skill that all pitchers must learn. Otherwise, they may not gain much value from the time and instruction.
Having a great coach helps, as they care about your progression and helping you succeed. However, even if you have the best coach in the world, it won’t do any good if you’re not giving it your all and taking steps to truly learn from pitching lessons.
Have a Great Attitude for Pitching Lessons
One of the first things pitchers can do to maximize learning from coaching and lessons is to have a good attitude. This means you arrive ready to learn with a positive mindset. Think about a time when you were incredibly tired or had a bad day right before practice. Were you as effective as you could be? Did you learn as much as in other practices when you’ve had a good day? Probably not. That’s because your mindset and attitude affect how well you learn.
Of course, everyone has off days. Maybe you feel distracted or keep thinking about a bad interaction you had earlier in the day. So, how do you avoid letting these issues affect how much value you get from your pitching lessons? One great way is to take a few minutes to get your head in the game. Maybe you need to listen to a certain song, do a breathing exercise, or even just sit quietly. Whatever you need to do to get in a good mindset and attitude, do it!
Visualization & Imagination
Another way pitchers can learn more during pitching lessons is to use their imagination and visualization skills. Youth pitching athletes have a great advantage here, as they are often much better at imagination than adults. However, everyone can do this to learn new methods, techniques, and mechanics.
When a coach explains something, try to visualize what it looks like. Then, imagine yourself doing it. This is often an effective way to understand what you need to do. Once you imagine and visualize the action, you can practice until you match what you saw in your mind’s eye during lessons.
Be Ready to Get Feedback
It’s also important for pitchers to be ready to receive feedback. You might think, Of course I am! That’s why I signed up for lessons, right? Well, yes, but we mean that you need to understand that feedback isn’t criticism and be able to take that feedback and improve. This, too, is a skill that pitchers must develop to continue to progress, as everyone has weak points that can get stronger or use more practice. During pitching instruction, coaches will point out areas for improvement, so it’s important to have a good outlook on feedback and be open to taking advice.
Get Pitching Instruction from National Pitching – Science-Backed Pitching Program
Looking to become a better pitcher? Want to improve mechanics, control, or velocity? Our team at National Pitching is here to help you achieve your goals. We offer a comprehensive pitching program to give athletes the tools they need for improvement. Developed by Tom House, the father of modern pitching mechanics, our program addresses everything from proper pitching mechanics to nutrition for athletes. Our coaches help pitchers of all levels, from youth pitching to the Major Leagues. Get in touch today to find a coach near you or to sign up for our VIP membership with exclusive access to an updated video library of pitching instruction.