As a baseball pitcher, your arm is your most valuable asset. Proper care and maintenance are essential to ensure longevity and peak performance on the mound. Here’s a comprehensive guide to arm care for youth pitching, covering the critical factors: Personal Health Nutrition Proper nutrition is crucial for maintaining overall health and supporting muscle recovery.
Arm Care and Velocity in Youth Pitching
We’ve all got our biases of what works and what doesn’t with baseball players, especially in regard to weight training, arm care, and velocity training. I have been a National Pitching Association certified pitching coach for a little over two years, and have plenty of success stories to share with both athletes and parents. When
Pitching Instruction: Why Warming Up is Essential
Pitching instruction from our team uses science to help pitchers of all levels improve their health and performance. One important aspect of our program for pitchers is learning how to warm up your body before pitching. In this article, we’ll explain why warming up is important for baseball pitchers. Why Our Pitching Instruction Includes Warm
Youth Pitching Questions: Should Pitchers Ice Their Arms?
Many youth pitching coaches teach their players to ice their arms after a game. However, this might not actually help with healing and recovery. It’s a common misconception that ice can help pitchers heal faster or more effectively. However, research doesn’t really support this claim. So, let’s discuss why ice might not be a good